Monday, April 06, 2009

A Long Monday

Mondays have gotten really, really full. And this one really ended with a bang.

As usual, we started off with swimming and Panera Bread. Then I made a short trip to Walmart. Allan headed off to sign the lease on his apartment, and to meet with a potential (and potentially lucrative) client. We headed out to play bridge. John had terrible cards, mine were "not too bad". Allan had a great meeting, and the guy is now "The Client".

After supper, we went to a concert at UTC - a faculty chamber music concert. This was a super treat! Seven to eight musicians played three selections - in different configurations. The largest grouping was four musicians. What a great concert this was - and it was FREE! These faculty and student concerts are a great service to the community. And there are usually a long list of varied ones near the end of the school year. We'll just enjoy!

Men's Basketball: UNC has had a very easy time winning over Michigan State to win the 2009 National Championship. Congratulations to the Tarheels.

Today's photo is of Dr. Sin-Hsing Tsai (UTC music faculty), one of the main performers in tonight's concert.

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