Thursday, March 12, 2009

March Miscellany

Sleeping late - what a treat! John snuck out to go to the Y, and I slept until after 8 a.m. And we got haircuts today, and that always makes us feel better.

The flowering trees are so gorgeous after those days in the 80s. Bradford pears, other fruit trees; the redbuds and pink magnolias are just starting; forsythia, etc. But the high today was only 49, and it was a gloomy day.

Except for our usual crazy lunch, John spent most of the day working on the new computer. I think he's gotten almost everything working to his satisfaction. Even the new slide scanner is working. He's still learning about how Vista works, and needs to figure out how to open a few of the transferred programs...but it's coming along. I'll go give it a try when he says it's okay.

We went to the local Ornithological Society meeting tonight. One of our friends was giving the program, and we went to support him and see his photos. Before that, we ate at Blue Orleans - John's favorite. Always great food, even if John never finds out. He loves their crawfish etouffe, and never orders anything else. He does get to try other things, though. Since the portions are so big, I only ate about half of my shrimp pasta, and he gets to have that for lunch tomorrow.

Today's photo is of one of my watercolors that was in the recent exhibit.

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