Saturday, March 14, 2009


The rain that started last night continued literally all day long - and it's still raining. I haven't checked the gauge yet - I'm waiting until the whole system has moved out. But I'm sure it's well over one inch.

I braved the rain this morning to do something very unusual for me. Are you sitting down??? I went shopping. I went to four stores, including a new (to me) yarn/fabric shop. I only bought two things - a turtle neck and a light-weight flowered blazer. Amazing - on so many fronts. I didn't buy yarn and I did buy clothes. It'll probably be years before that happens again.

Family news: Happy Birthday, Alison!!!! Congratulations, Amanda, on the new job!

I received a great surprise in the mail. It was an early birthday present from a childhood friend in Houston. I had sent her an invitation to my show, and she had it framed for me for my birthday. It's just wonderful - on so many different levels!

This is a photo of a pair of paintings from the show.

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