Sunday, July 08, 2007


Dateline: "Pamplona, Spain. The running of the bulls, fueled by huge doses of adrenaline and with equally generous lashings of alcohol, began Saturday in the narrow streets of this Spanish city." This was the opening paragraph of a story in today's paper. It's always good to laugh first thing in the morning.

I enjoyed watching a program on the animals of Alaska on the Travel Channel. I loved that it was narrated by John Corbett. You remember him, he was "Chris in the Morning" on Northern Exposure. That was undoubtedly one of the best series that TV has come up with. I've gotten a kick out of remembering specific episodes during this program.

I finished my pair of wool/bamboo blend socks tonight. I'm looking forward to its being cool enough to wear them - they feel so good. I'll probably start the second pair tomorrow. I have to order the yarn for the wedding-present afghan, so can't start it for a while. I'm eager to get it started, but will wait for cooler weather to finish it.

Today's picture is one of Margaret's, taken yesterday of our seamen - Jesse and James.

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