Friday, April 21, 2017

Friday Five

  1. Nothing much going on around here.
  2. I played duplicate this afternoon, and we came in next-to-last.  The gal I play with on Friday is really not very good.   Like a lot of players, she doesn't really understand playing defense, and I seldom know what she means with her bidding.  Oh, well, I'm certainly not perfect, and hate to criticize.  We'll keep on.
  3. While we were there this afternoon, we had a really hard rain shower - and got about 3/4" of rain in my gauge in about half-an-hour.
  4. I'm going to a birthday open house for a friend tomorrow evening.  Her house is hard to get to - up a steep driveway and a set of steps.  Her children are going to run a golf-cart shuttle from the street up and down the driveway.  That'll work.
  5. More rainstorms predicted for over the weekend and much cooler temps on Sunday.

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