Friday, September 02, 2016

Not the usual

Back pain woke me up in the middle of the night last night.  Some pain med got me back to sleep, but I skipped swimming this morning (and just went to coffee - LOL).  A trip to WalMart finished my trip out.  Then it got interesting.

As I was unloading the stuff from my car, I got stung by a bee.  It got up into my loose sleeve, and I was out of my shirt right there in the parking lot until I was sure it was gone.  I thought it was just one of those "sweat bees", but after I got the stuff in and got up to lunch, I started to feel  light-headed.  I went right for one of the nurses, who went looking for some Benadryl.  They didn't find any, but I got to feeling better, so they let me come on home.  I think they were ready with an epipen, though, in case it looked necessary (although they didn't pull one out right away and scare me with it).  One of the CNAs came down to check on me later this afternoon.  I did take a Claritin as soon as I got back to my apartment.  Then, of course, I found some Benadryl way back in a cabinet.  The little sucker-bee surely did get me though - it hurts, too.  Management sent somebody out to spray the area after I reported it.  I guess I can't let things get too ordinary for long. 8^)

I've put out a third hummingbird feeder, and the birds are going crazy with them.  There are probably 12 or more swirling around - who can count them? - they move so fast.  I can tell that's going to be my entertainment for some time. I'm going to miss them when they head south for the winter.

I hear some folks are getting some fall-like weather.  Temps are still in the 90s or high 80s around here.  We're not expected to get any of the rain from "Hermine", so we're still pretty dry.

Today was Jesse's last day at his old job.  He starts his new job in Tennessee in two weeks. After the holiday weekend, he'll be doing some driving back and forth getting his "toys" moved - two trucks, motorcycle, boat, etc. It's going to be good having him back in TN.

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