Saturday, August 13, 2016

Home again!

 I'm home!  I got up about 3:15 this morning, left the ship about 4, for a flight out of Portland at 6 a.m.  It was a bit late leaving, but made up some time on the way back to Atlanta.  I got in, got the shuttle, and got to my apartment about 12:30.  By 1:30, I'd had a bit of lunch, unpacked, and was in my chair, reading the paper and watching some Olympic diving. 

It was a great trip.  I loved being able to travel again with Ann & Al.  Plus it was a fun trip.  The stops were in neat little Maine towns - each with its own personality.  Unfortunately for me, I found out I had more limitations than I was expecting, so didn't get to explore the towns at all.  But it was a great experience and lovely scenery. We met some wonderful people, and the food was incredible. American Cruise Lines is a well run organization and will do anything possible to make your experience a good one.  I signed up for a trip with them next August in Alaska with Margaret. 

An interesting observation about the other passengers - there were a lot of handicapped people on the trip.  I was concerned about my lack of mobility, but in the event, I was probably in about the middle of the 95 passengers.  There were two folks on scooters, and a lot using walkers. One lady even came with her caregiver. There were also several groups - families of 50-60-year-olds accompanying one or two parents.  They all seemed to be having a good time. In any case, it's always good to get home. 

Our temps here are predicted to be in the low 90s and high 80s next week.  And we had almost 3" of rain while I was gone.  That's a good thing!  Lots of wash to do tomorrow, and I'll still be resting up to get back into the routine on Monday.

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