Friday, August 29, 2014


We’ve now played duplicate several times, mostly sort of muddling along. We’ve played the most on Friday afternoons with the “99er” group - no one with more than 99 Master Points is allowed to play.

Last Friday, we felt we played poorly. The cards were bad, but mainly we just didn’t play well. And we came in next-to-last. Our goal for today was just to play better than we did last week.

At the end of the afternoon, we felt that we had bid and played our hands much more comfortably. When we got home (after having dinner with Tina) we checked the Bridge Club website to see how things went.

And we came in FIRST!!!!! Needless to say, we’re very pleased. Now we have something to live up to next week.

1 comment:

Harriet said...

Mazel tov!

They have a bridge group here, but it is only for experts at present. I'll wait until they're ready to train a replacement. 8-)