Thursday, May 16, 2013


This morning, I got my package sent off, and had my massage. She said she had a really hard time trying to get the kinks out of my back. Imagine that! 

At the walk-in clinic at the doc’s office, the PA looked at my toe and said to pretty much leave it alone. The nail will undoubtedly fall off or get pushed off by the new one growing out, and in the meantime, it is protecting the nail bed. Made sense to me. So I’ll keep it covered and clean. I can shower normally, but no swimming for a week. And, of course, no pedicures for a while. He gave a prescription for some preventative antibiotics, but I think I’m going to skip getting that filled. I really hate taking antibiotics unless absolutely necessary, so I’ll just go with cleanliness and see how that works.
Japanese Garden, Bellingrath Gardens

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