Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Home again!

We got home about 7:15 -landed on time in Nashville - cold and light snow on the grassy areas around Nashville and Murfreesboro, but nowhere else. Everything okay at home. I fixed some eggs and toast for dinner (not that we needed any, after all the food this weekend), and we settled in the chairs to get through some of the newspapers (John) and get caught up on the computer (me).

It was great to spend some time with sweet Betsy. She’s such a dear. I always hate to leave, and just wish we could visit more often. We enjoy getting to know my cousins better, too - they’re really nice guys (and terrific cooks, too).

But, as always, it’s good to be home. I’m already having some leg cramps - usual for me after doing a lot of airport walking. I’ve stretched and taken some acetominophen, so maybe it won’t be too bad tonight.

The plan is to go to the Y tomorrow and to coffee. Then I have to go to the rheumatologist to get the lab work done again. I hope it’s back to normal. The forecast here is for snow beginning about going-home time tomorrow afternoon. We’ll be nicely inside by then.
Interior, Saints Mary & Edburga, Stratton-Audley

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