Monday, August 17, 2009

Too young or too old

This morning one of the pieces on CBS Sunday Morning was the umpteenth show about the 40th anniversary of Woodstock. I am so tired of hearing about this. I guess this is because of my age - Woodstock was a non-event in our lives. Woodstock was in 1969. Our children were born from 1956 to 1961 - we were up to our eyeballs with stuff like school and carpools and work and general life. Also, we were living in a very pleasant area - a suburban backwater in Middle Tennessee - definitely out of the fast-living corridor. As John says, we were too young for Lawrence Welk, and too old for The Beatles. Oh, well.....
A friend sent this link to a great site from the Newseum, the journalism museum in Washington, D.C. Hold your cursor over any city's dot on the map, and you'll get that day's front page of the local paper. What a neat site to keep in your bookmarks.

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