Friday, July 24, 2009

What do you do with old t-shirts?

Before we left for the beach, I started a project that I'd had in the back of my mind for some time. I'd been saving up some of the "better" t-shirts to take to a local quilt shop to have a quilt made from them. I took them about the end of June.

They called yesterday to tell me that the two quiilts were ready. I picked them up this morning, and I'm really pleased with them. The smaller one used shirts that were just fun or special in some way. The larger one is made up of shirts from places where we have traveled. I'll get some photos taken this weekend to share.

Here are some more sunset photos from the beach. Sometimes you just can't avoid the power lines - just be aware of them and use them as a design element.

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1 comment:

Mickle in NZ said...

Beautiful Sunsets.

Sunsets to remember when skies are gray, to remember to boost the happy holiday memories.

care and huggles, Michelle