Friday, June 06, 2008

Two grandsons today!

A comment on another blog asked "How can Hillary supporters become McCain supporters?...Do they lack brains?" I've wondered the same thing. Does anyone who would say that have a CLUE as to what either (or any) of the candidates are saying / have said / stand for??????? It is mind-boggling!

Why didn't I think of that? Using kudzu to make ethanol. What a wonderful idea!!!!!!! It would be a great incentive to control the vile weed. And heaven knows, it grows fast enough and isn't good for anything else (except erosion control).

We got prizes from two grandsons today. Paul sent us this link. Watch the video on the blog posting Get Your Tickets Here... on the Post and Courier's Spoleto blog.

And Jesse sent us some photos from Iraq. I can't post one on the internet, though - sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

email me the pics from Jesse, please?