Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thursday night

We had such a good weekend. It was good to have Sue, Randy, Sarah, and Laurie here, and Margaret came, too.

This has been a fairly busy week - with the unfortunate news about John's shoulder. He's second on the surgeon's cancellation list to move the date up. #1 on the list is about two weeks earlier than his date, so he might wind up with that date, too.

Today was my Happy Feet day - I got a pedicure. That is something necessary (I simply can no longer take care of my toes myself) - and the pedicure/massage feels SO good. But I had to pay for it by going to Wal-Mart. The X-Tix lunch was fun as always. The second organizational meeting of the Crabtree Gallery was this afternoon. We're beginning to get into some definite plans, outlines, and formats. We have another meeting set up for three weeks hence, and may be ready to contact some other artists after that. If you have any suggestions or experience with a cooperative art gallery, please send some suggestions, warnings, and helpful hints.

We got ourselves a digital video recorder today. It's not hooked up to a network like TIVO, but works more like a VCR. It doesn't need a disc or tape, and can record hours and hours internally. John got it hooked up, and I managed to do some direct recording, a timed recording, and then delete them both. Next test will be seeing if I can do something "for real".

Today's picture is of a sailboat on the Tennessee River.

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