Friday, June 01, 2007

Scattered showers

There was finally some rain in our area this evening. Some places had up to 1.5" of rain. At our house, we got only a sprinkle - not even enough to get the pavement wet under tree overhand. Oh, well. At least the grass isn't growing.

Wedding plans are progressing. It is officially set for 24 May 2008, an afternoon ceremony. Motel rooms have been reserved. And I've already been told that new blue jeans and a new sweatshirt, embroidered with "Grandmother of the Groom" will not be acceptable. Well, damn! guess I'll have to find something. As I've said, I'll wear whatever Margaret (and Sue, and probably Flo Jean) tell me that I have to. Sighhhhhhhhhh......

You might notice I've added a counter to this blog. Just curiosity on my part. One of our swimmers who has been "absent" for a while returned to the class today, and said that she had been reading the blog. That's so exciting - I'm delighted that there are readers out there. Thanks, Stephanie!

John talked to his sister tonight. Her husband had a total shoulder replacement today. He did well, and will be spending the night in the hospital tonight - then home tomorrow. They're still planning to go to their oldest grandson's college graduation in a couple of weeks. She'll just have to do all the driving.

Click here to see the news from New Hampshire. Congratulations to that state!

John's picture today is of an unusual cloud formation over Sleeping Ute Mountain in Colorado.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good job on the stats counter. I wonder how it counts mine, since I don't actually "go" to your site, but read it through bloglines.