Sunday, February 20, 2005

Post Surgery

The results from the surgery were the best that could be expected. The sentinel node biopsy was negative for tumor and the margins of the tissue excised were free of tumor. Under the circumstances, that was a great relief. I went to the hospital early in the morning for a nuclear scan to identify the sentinel node (that was the only really painful part of the day - the injection of the material for the scan). From there I went to the stereotactic procedure room to have a probe inserted to the tumor site. Then back to nuclear medicine to have films of the sentinel node. Then finally about 2 p.m. to surgery. Of course, the next I remember was being in the Recovery Room and trying to claw my way out of the anesthetic.

John and Jean either followed me around the hospital, tried to find me in the hospital, or just waited. Margaret and FO Richardson and Betty Harper spent time with them in the waiting area. We finally got home about 6:30 that night.

I didn't sleep much that night, but managed a couple of pretty good "chair naps" during the day on Saturday. Vicki came by in the morning and brought delicious potato soup for our lunch. Betty H. came and brought us a wonderful dinner. Beautiful flowers were delivered - I do so enjoy those. I had just some discomfort during the day. Jean undid the Ace wrapping around my breasts so I could take a shower, and that was wonderful. There are two incisions, neither looking to be too large. She got me wrapped back up. John went to see the Lady Mocs play - they beat Elon. I slept well last night.

Today was a grey, drizzly day - all day long. I've found that although I don't have much pain, everytime I get up and move around too much, I get really weak - guess that's just the anesthesia talking back. That'll take a while to wear off. I got another good nap, and finished the Tony Hillerman book I'd been reading. Judy McCain came by and brought us a great pot-roast dinner. We haven't eaten this well in ages...and even will have good leftovers.

Jean left about noon today. Beth is going to try to come down tomorrow or Tuesday for a couple of days. I know that I'm going to be pretty much a stay-at-home for the week - no basketball game tomorrow night - until this anesthesia all wears off. I call tomorrow to make my followup appointment and see what the treatment plan will be from this point.

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